Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Architect in Trouble

The RNC and the President both defend Karl Rove. Could you please tell me something I don’t know? These people better defend him. It’s going to be difficult to fire the man who brought Mr. Bush to power. The republicans just don’t learn! Power corrupts and the dishonest party seems most susceptible to it. They are, after all, the only party in the history of America to suffer the absolute greatest humiliation, having their president forced to step down because he lied and obstructed justice. This of course was the fate of Richard Nixon.

Frankly, for the Democrats having Fatty Arbuckle screw up could not be sweeter justice. Bush is too much of a bumbling idiot. It’s this “folksy” stupidity that people like. Everyone on Earth knows he is a puppet of a greater evil. Rove has been the mastermind and chief spinner of all the crap that has come out of this Administration. I’m sure it pissed Rove of when some low Ambassador was brave enough to question his Administration's (excuse me…President Bush) insistent that Iraq had WMD’s.

So the question now is will the Dems be able to increase the pressure to the point that the Republicans have no choice but to dispose of Mr. Rove on the next off ramp?


Blogger T. Zac. R. d V. said...

Please...it's spin rhetoric as usually. Did you catch that closet-case Ken Mehlman (I know I spelled his name wrong) on Meet the Press sunday? It was shamefull, he is a mess. Simply not answering questions and suggesting that Rove did not leak the information.

11:03 AM  

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