Thursday, June 23, 2005

Who will save CPB?

The conservatives are waging a new war on terrorism. These new terrorists are not Arab, Islamic, or bombing people everyday. The new clear and present danger for the Republicans are those that disagree with them.

Enemy of the State #1: The Corporation for Public Broadcasting which has PBS and NPR under its umbrella.

This is one of the last media outlets that actually reports the news like it is. The problem for Republicans is the more people talk and learn about their programs the more people will question them. In a Democracy, questioning people are pure evil to those that would wield power unjustly.

Why are these two public broadcasters being singled out? The reason is, NPR is not sorry for pointing out that the Bush regime’s direction is flawed. PBS’ mistake is that it actually believes all people should be treated equally. Case in point, it was the “Buster” episode depicting a lesbian family in good light that really brought the ire of bigoted puritans. It doesn’t help that CPB receives 15% of its annual funding from the US Government which started with its founding 40 years ago.

I think its time for Liberals to stand up and save THEIR media. The Conservatives have RNN (Republican New Network aka FOX News) as well as a formidable TV and talk radio network. Pull the plug on Federal Funding. Let’s ramp up corporate fund raising. Maybe we can start with the good folks at Ford who already are under ban by a right wing religious group for having same sex benefits.

In closing I want to praise “The News Hour” on PBS for being the only network which displays pictures of those who have died in Iraq. That takes moxy and PBS is the only outlet that has the balls.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Republicans are taking a beating! Their majority ruled Senate ratings are down and now the autopsy for Terry Schiavo is in.

In case you forgot who the heck that is, it’s the brain dead woman from Florida that became one America’s biggest right to die cases. The right wing Republicans even passed an emergency law to grant authority to the Federal Courts. Luckily the courts are the only sane branch of government in the US and they refused to hear the case.

The autopsy came back with some very interesting findings. Her brain had shrunk to half the size of a healthy adult. The amount of time her heart stopped caused blindness and to state the obvious there would never ever have been a recovery.

Bill Frist, the leader of the crazies (Republican Senate), insisted she could recover. Now though, he states he agrees with the autopsy and wants to move on. When pressed he says “I never made a diagnosis, I simply watched a video with what looked like a person reacting to her family." I might add this is a Surgeon. I can see why he is no longer in medical practice.

This goes back to a very interesting question. What the hell do the Republicans really stand for? They claim to be the party most interested in small government. The people that will stay out of your life! Actions just scream louder than words don’t they?!

Finally, this is my first post on the suggestion of a good friend. Thank you Zac! You've always been a good influence on my life, more than you may know.