Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Republican Flip Flops

Here is an interesting twist... The state legislature in California has approved gay marriage. However, Governor Schwarzenegger has stated he believes the issue should be decided by voters or the courts. Umm this is a republican governor saying gay marriage should be decided by the court??? Did I miss the last memo? Massachusetts courts approve gay marriage and the republicans in that state claim only the legislature should change such laws. Now the legislature in another state makes the first move and we hear that the courts should make the choice? Good lord please wait until I get my ledger out to keep track of these endless flip flops. Finally what is this about voters deciding instead of the legislature or court? Voters did decide when they voted democrat.

On a slightly different topic, I wonder if the poor red states feel they got their money’s worth with their vote for Mr. Bush. They voted in Mr. Bush and he repays them by abandoning them in their time of need, not to mention cutting funding for projects that would have defended their city against flooding. Rule number one; never ever depend on a right wing Republican to come to your aid. After all it’s your fault that the hurricane came, that you were to poor to leave and that you are now homeless. This is God himself getting back at you for being lazy heathen! GET BACK TO WORK! WE HAVE STOCK PRICES TO RAISE AND PEOPLE TO CONQUER!


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