The American Party
The Republican party represents the ultimate in American Individualism. This party envisions an Americawith a much smaller and limited government. Forget nationalized health care, if you can’t afford it well God just doesn’t like you. When times of crisis hit don’t look to a Republican Party, only lazy heathen are poor and again God just doesn’t like you. Do away with all taxes and let the average person fend for themselves. The wealthy one percent have the resources of small governments so nothing affects them. These people forget very easily that their wealth exists and grows only when the social infastruction paid for by taxes is in place to keep the slaves healthy and working.
The Republican Party has been monopolized by two very interesting groups. The first half you have ultra conservative Christian organizations that easily qualify for the title “Militant Christianity”. The second half consists of the wealthiest one percent of Americans. This group is so out of touch with reality they simply don’t believe things like New Orleans really happen. Have you ever heard of an Administration that simply doesn’t watch the news? If they don’t hear about it then it didn’t happen. The current administration flies high above a flooded city in plush helicopters and says “It’s not as bad on the ground as those liberal pigs in the media report”. Forget that the rescue workers on the ground report back that it’s worse than the media is showing. There are some in the government that know how bad it is, these are the ones that requested that the Media not take pictures of the body bags. This way when President Bush talks in his folksy voice and says “Everything is going great” people will actually believe it. SHOCKING. Why, in the information age, can so many people be so ignorant and naïve about the Regime of Mr. Bush?!
The South voted for Bush and he left them to die. It’s shocking to watch such indifference from a President. Compassionate conservatism never existed in Mr. Bush’s mind; it was a mere empty tag line that sounded good. Could Karl Rove sell dog crap if he called it "holy" and down right a heck of a deal? Well we know half the country would buy it!
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I like the term Militant Christianity I am going to start using that.
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