The Prime Power Vision
The energy we consume today in the form of oil, natural gas, and coal is all secondary or stored energy sources. They were created by earth’s prime power source, the Sun. Without the sun there is no energy on earth.
Imagine a world powered by Prime Power. Each day, energy is streamed to our home, the earth. If we could collect this power via solar electricity or emulate the sun’s mechanics we would be using an energy source in its prime power state. Imagine a world that was powered by clean energy in infinite form. This prime energy source could be used to create our own secondary energy sources for use in mobile devices. Cars, trains, planes, ships could all be powered by Hydrogen, the most abundant secondary energy source on earth. Hydrogen can be made by splitting it from water. That is a reality today however it takes massive amounts of power to accomplish this, power that is generated from current secondary energy sources. The prime power vision would see Solar or Solar emulated mechanics powering plants that create hydrogen power from water.
Why should anyone be thinking about these things? Anyone that owns a car can tell you as gas has made a 40% jump this year alone. The end of the oil age is on the horizon. If you have not read “Out of Gas: The End of the Age Of Oil” by David Goodstein, I would recommend you do. The point at which oil starts a rapid increase is when half the oil has been pumped. This is because the remaining half becomes more expensive to produce and demand begins to outpace supply. This happened with Oil production in the US in the 70’s and will happen with the world oil production most likely this decade (if it has not happened already). China is already putting pressure on world oil markets. The US currently has a president who thinks he is a prophet sent to earth to spread democracy to all peoples. This is causing unrest and instability in the world’s most volatile region, the region that controls most of the world’s oil. This president is literally running through a refinery with a blow torch.
Imagine the economic boom when citizens around the world start upgrading to clean zero pollution devices. Corporations will reap huge profits. Our planet could heal itself once we stop the pollution. People are so blinded by temporary greed though; they are unable to imagine this world. How very sad!