Saturday, September 10, 2005

The American Party

The Republican party represents the ultimate in American Individualism. This party envisions an Americawith a much smaller and limited government. Forget nationalized health care, if you can’t afford it well God just doesn’t like you. When times of crisis hit don’t look to a Republican Party, only lazy heathen are poor and again God just doesn’t like you. Do away with all taxes and let the average person fend for themselves. The wealthy one percent have the resources of small governments so nothing affects them. These people forget very easily that their wealth exists and grows only when the social infastruction paid for by taxes is in place to keep the slaves healthy and working.

The Republican Party has been monopolized by two very interesting groups. The first half you have ultra conservative Christian organizations that easily qualify for the title “Militant Christianity”. The second half consists of the wealthiest one percent of Americans. This group is so out of touch with reality they simply don’t believe things like New Orleans really happen. Have you ever heard of an Administration that simply doesn’t watch the news? If they don’t hear about it then it didn’t happen. The current administration flies high above a flooded city in plush helicopters and says “It’s not as bad on the ground as those liberal pigs in the media report”. Forget that the rescue workers on the ground report back that it’s worse than the media is showing. There are some in the government that know how bad it is, these are the ones that requested that the Media not take pictures of the body bags. This way when President Bush talks in his folksy voice and says “Everything is going great” people will actually believe it. SHOCKING. Why, in the information age, can so many people be so ignorant and naïve about the Regime of Mr. Bush?!

The South voted for Bush and he left them to die. It’s shocking to watch such indifference from a President. Compassionate conservatism never existed in Mr. Bush’s mind; it was a mere empty tag line that sounded good. Could Karl Rove sell dog crap if he called it "holy" and down right a heck of a deal? Well we know half the country would buy it!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

PR Bush Style

PR people everywhere must be thinking the Bush's need to just shut the F*** up.

First, when questioned on the breakdown from the Federal Government regarding Katrina Mr. Bush asks back "What didn't go right?" Where are the swift boat veterans for truth now??? We could sure use their help
to wade through and make some sense of George Bush.

God Bless Barbara Bush. She visited the Atsro Dome and concluded that the poor people of New Orleans had lucked out. After all what better to happen in their lives than to be almost killed in a Hurricane, have all
their possessions wiped out, and have the government abandon them. Yes these people are the luckiest people in America!

Finally conservative groups in California are crying "runaway Legislature" with the passing of the gay marriage bill. First it’s the courts they don’t like, now the Legislature. Let’s just do away with government and install James Dobson as supreme king. Then they can rain fire and brimstone down on everyone that disagrees with them, Just like Jesus did when he was on earth. Don’t you remember reading the new testament where Jesus worked to manipulate the government and even ran for office. In fact when training his 12 apostles he trained them to be arrogant and to hate their neighbor as themselves. OH WAIT Jesus didn't do any of that stuff. Now why are his supposed followers?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Republican Flip Flops

Here is an interesting twist... The state legislature in California has approved gay marriage. However, Governor Schwarzenegger has stated he believes the issue should be decided by voters or the courts. Umm this is a republican governor saying gay marriage should be decided by the court??? Did I miss the last memo? Massachusetts courts approve gay marriage and the republicans in that state claim only the legislature should change such laws. Now the legislature in another state makes the first move and we hear that the courts should make the choice? Good lord please wait until I get my ledger out to keep track of these endless flip flops. Finally what is this about voters deciding instead of the legislature or court? Voters did decide when they voted democrat.

On a slightly different topic, I wonder if the poor red states feel they got their money’s worth with their vote for Mr. Bush. They voted in Mr. Bush and he repays them by abandoning them in their time of need, not to mention cutting funding for projects that would have defended their city against flooding. Rule number one; never ever depend on a right wing Republican to come to your aid. After all it’s your fault that the hurricane came, that you were to poor to leave and that you are now homeless. This is God himself getting back at you for being lazy heathen! GET BACK TO WORK! WE HAVE STOCK PRICES TO RAISE AND PEOPLE TO CONQUER!

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Prime Power Vision

The energy we consume today in the form of oil, natural gas, and coal is all secondary or stored energy sources. They were created by earth’s prime power source, the Sun. Without the sun there is no energy on earth.

Imagine a world powered by Prime Power. Each day, energy is streamed to our home, the earth. If we could collect this power via solar electricity or emulate the sun’s mechanics we would be using an energy source in its prime power state. Imagine a world that was powered by clean energy in infinite form. This prime energy source could be used to create our own secondary energy sources for use in mobile devices. Cars, trains, planes, ships could all be powered by Hydrogen, the most abundant secondary energy source on earth. Hydrogen can be made by splitting it from water. That is a reality today however it takes massive amounts of power to accomplish this, power that is generated from current secondary energy sources. The prime power vision would see Solar or Solar emulated mechanics powering plants that create hydrogen power from water.

Why should anyone be thinking about these things? Anyone that owns a car can tell you as gas has made a 40% jump this year alone. The end of the oil age is on the horizon. If you have not read “Out of Gas: The End of the Age Of Oil” by David Goodstein, I would recommend you do. The point at which oil starts a rapid increase is when half the oil has been pumped. This is because the remaining half becomes more expensive to produce and demand begins to outpace supply. This happened with Oil production in the US in the 70’s and will happen with the world oil production most likely this decade (if it has not happened already). China is already putting pressure on world oil markets. The US currently has a president who thinks he is a prophet sent to earth to spread democracy to all peoples. This is causing unrest and instability in the world’s most volatile region, the region that controls most of the world’s oil. This president is literally running through a refinery with a blow torch.

Imagine the economic boom when citizens around the world start upgrading to clean zero pollution devices. Corporations will reap huge profits. Our planet could heal itself once we stop the pollution. People are so blinded by temporary greed though; they are unable to imagine this world. How very sad!