Sunday, November 27, 2005

Want to Move to Vulgaria?

I was flipping channels on Sunday night and stopped at CBS 60 Minutes where the story was housing. Average Americans are building 10,000+ square foot homes in what has long been labeled, McMansions or Starter Castles.

A couple who had just built a 15,000 square foot home was being interviewed. The subject turned to the custom wood floor which the owner went on to describe as a design borrowed from another home, a home in Versailles. The interviewer gave a slightly surprised look and interjected, “you mean the Palace at Versailles?” In which the owner said “yes that one, the house at Versailles.”

I immediately became sickened. First, if you don’t even know the name of the world famous landmark which you are “borrowing” designs from you don’t have the right to use it. Second, this is yet another example of globally retarded Americans who have way too much money wasting yet more resources. No one needs a 15,000 square foot home. No wonder we have terrorism! This uncontrolled capitalist consumerism centered on sheer self centeredness cannot go on. I do not have a problem with people who have money, but this does not give you the right to ruin our planet in your quest to fill the endless void in your life with endless materialism!

The show went on to describe how old homes, and were talking in multiples, have to be torn down to accommodate these new super sized single housing structures.

Finally here was my favorite statement of the entire show, “Paul Knox, the dean of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Tech, sums up the endless tracts of overweight houses as a new national suburb he calls “Vulgaria.”

I could not agree more, it is vulgar!


Friday, November 18, 2005

How Low Can They Go

American politics are very interesting to watch. At the same time, it’s a bit sickening to watch people debase themselves the way a politician must to keep his/her job.

The pendulum is swinging on this issue and it’s not in Mr. Bush’s favor. Is that a surprise to anyone? The American people were lied to when it comes to this catastrophe of foreign policy and the only people left standing with Mr. Bush are the extremists, now polling in at 36%. How many more people will defect before the storm is over?

The senate, which is still Republican Controlled, is getting really nervous. It’s almost election season for them. They must answer just as much for this war, after all the blank check was signed by the senate. Humans have a built in defense mechanism, as all animals do. Save yourself! The senate is doing just that. At first the pace was a walk, now were up to a run/walk away from Bush. Remember last months elections, New Jerseys Republican governor hopeful is blaming Bush, who visited the state at the last moment, for losing the election. OUCH! Politicians took note.

I read the papers and everyone talks about the end of the Bush Fantasy. It’s extremely entertaining to watch what is happening to Mr. Bush. The real tragedy is history is all to kind to even to the worst of presidents. Bush should be held personally responsible in criminal court for lying and killing his own countrymen (so far over 2000 soldiers in Iraq) not to mention the scores of people in Iraq. Of course that does not happen. That is the injustice of living in this world.