Friday, May 12, 2006

Hillary Clinton and Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch will be hosting a fund raiser for Hillary Clinton. Talk about strange! New’s Corps Fox News might as well be the mouth piece to the Republican Party, rubber stamping all things Bush on every show it hosts.


The tide is turning, and those in the know…well…know.

Bush is Nixon territory for poll ratings. The Republican Party as a whole is on the defensive. Their party has had total control of America for the last 6 years. There is no one to blame for the problems they are in now but themselves! (Iraq, budget deficits larger than the Grand Canyon, out of control health care cost, oil prices global American hatred, etc) I have long wondered what motivated Rupert Murdoch. Being a media titan does anyone really believe he cares about puritan religious values?

No, Mr. Murdoch cashed in big time. The Republicans gained control of the House and Senate in 1994. Fox News was launched in 1996. CNN was well known to be favorable to President Clinton. So from a business perspective, who would this new network appeal to? HMM let’s think about it!?

The republican were in power and you have a new network. Cha Ching!

Now though the tide is turning. People can’t stand the Republicans and the midterm elections are this November. The Democrats are going to pick up additional seats and as a result a majority in one if not both of the houses.

Mrs. Clinton is one of the most powerful of the Democrats. Republicans are losing public favor faster that the Titanic took on water. I would not be surprised if Fox News starts moving closer to the leff.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I am currently reading the European Dream by Jeremy Rifkin. While I have had some strong comments on this blog in regards to European work life, its merely because I’m a bit jealous! This is the first of several posts regarding the European Dream.

The book is a comparison of the American Dream with that of the European Dream. Most people know what the American Dream (AD) is all about, the pursuit of happiness and individually attained economic security. Somewhere, though, the AD has become a nightmare of commercialism. A dream in which ones every material want is fulfilled. Obviously, material wants are endless and thus the dream is just that. The other problem is that the cornerstone of the AD is individualism. Show me a case where uncontrolled individualism did not end in greed and corruption?!

The European Dream (ED) on the other hand is more centered on society. Where people and governments share a common task of providing for all in society. The book relates a rather utopian view of the ED, which may be its only downfall. But, the AD is just as utopian. The author does talk about some of Europe’s shortcomings, such as high unemployment and racism...and these are major problems. The question is, which dream is more sustainable or better to strive for?

As I read the book, I hope to form a better opinion about the European Dream. As an American though, I am disillusioned with the American Dream and its economic system that seems to be on its last legs, totally unsustainable, and completely self centered. Are today’s market conditions with new highs in the stock exchange the calm before the storm?